Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Coming together

 A few more hours done and it really is starting to actually look like it's coming together.

Done some more fine tuning of the wiring for dash ancillaries and final testing. The rocker switch for rear heated window was not working so that was stripped and terminals cleaned to get that working. The new hazard relay was a lovely simple swop over and they work now. Wiring for the under dash lights is done and tested, they do need mounting but that should be quick... now I have re stuck a couple of small sections of the bottom dash rail on properly! The clock test didn't go so well, the light works, the clock doesn't. I did find out it came froma 1960,so porsche  :) that willl be coming apart soon. 

With the switches alll tested attention had to move onto the heater. Routing the pipes for this around the steering column and the engine bay has been on my mind for quite some time. This was last week

 With just the screen pipe and heater/water pipe, doesn't look to bad.
Then the air feed pipe needed to go in there as well as another water pipe. After much wrestling and vent pipes popping back off.
I was quite glad I bout a silicon 90 bend, with  out it I am sure a water pipe would have kinked. I was determined to have as much foot space as possible, I do remember it being cramped on the foot space.
Just as I was about to bolt the heater in, I remembered being told by the sparky there was a factory connection for the auto box in the loom. Separated that and quickly added extentions to fit a immobiliser switch. Close to missing that opportunity. With that done the switch panel was finally installed, a quick stare of admiration and on to fitting the last 2 heater mounting screws. 
Tonight ended with the engine bay ends of heater water pipes being trimmed and clamped off, loving the brass 90 I snuck in the engine bay to keep the pipe angles tight.

 cable routes re checked  and we are now ready to add water. The last big test, does the heater matrix and radiator actually hold water under pressure ???
Have to admit the worries got the better of me and a quick compression test on the engine was done. Why I had not done this weeks ago I have no idea. But all is good with 150 -148 accross them all I can rest easy... for now 😉

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