Sunday, 12 September 2021

Chipping away

 The brakes where addressed yesterday. A lovely brake bleeder was borrowed (a canister that holds brake fluid that is screwed onto brake reservoir and you pump to pressurise it).

The rears bleeding surprisingly quickly, moved round to the front ...  and saw a leek. One joint hadn't  quite been nipped up tight enough. With that done I re did the rear and moved onto the front .... to find a blocked bleed nipple. Quickly resolved with a clean up. I did manage to loose count of how many times I knocked over the jar of bled brake fluid! In the end, the battle was won. Just before the day's work was closed, I thought double checking the brake lights would be good.... to find a faulty brake switch.

It had taken ages to connect and route those pipes that now hid the faulty brake switch. It was a new day and after a little fight with the backing nut the switch was off and quickly stripped to find a bad terminal. 

A quick file and it tested just fine and was refitted, a little battle with the main air intake pipe and we where back on track.

a quick glue up of a temporary battery cover, then onto timing.  Checked the water from the slight leak the other day and topped up the dash pot oil . It seemed to be a struggled to advance the timing,  a quick pause revealed the wiring harness was fouling the module on the side of the dizzy. A thankfully quick fix and now reving smoothly. Tick over adjusted and feeling quite good.

A quick tidy of the handbrake, slip a tattoo but functional cover. The gear stick cover has a ring that clamps to the floor, yep that needed sanding and painting. Done now  and reverse wire routed through the floor with a new gromit.

The late night evening stint I squeezed in was tidying up the dash wires and sorting the immobiliser. Looking much better, also not a job that had been listed to keep the work ordered for the final push. So nice to get rid of that job.

Also squeezed in fitting the new wiper arms, well I did need stronger springs. Blimey, yes they are stronger, bit of an ass fitting them but another job I had forgotten about. 

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