Saturday, 7 December 2019

Sticking to the plan

So over the last few days I have been back to the paint shop again for hopefully the last round of etch primer AND some gloss black. This is very good news as the gloss black is for a finished coat on the car. So it has been the plan for a while to go for more of an engine bay refresh instead of a bare bones start over like the rest of the car as it has always been one of the more tidy areas as it had actually been painted a few times. So there really was just a few surface brown patches to tidy up  and the surround (wings etc) have been masked off and bay cleaned and keyed ready for paint tomorrow.
With the black engine bay theme going on today I painted the underside of the bonnet, I am having to draw the line a bit for the sake of realistic progress so no it is not perfect but it is just the underside of the bonnet. So no close up and by the look of it terrible lighting as well.

Also today those bonnet fittings got a finished coat of black (just the catch spring to powder coat as I think it will last longer and might do it in the red I have), both front doors where cleaned and primed ...... well I might be doing just a little more work on one of the doors but in a few days it will be back to ready for paint stage again.
As you can see bellow a few things have been crossed off the "order of works", a few notes and a few jobs have been added as well, it did look like a bit of a small list and well, a bit easy so I think it looks more like the massive lists I am used to seeing :)

Not sure but I think in 3 or 4 days I might well be buying paint.! I did test my spray gun the other day and all seemed good. My word, this really is on the verge of .... progress ! and not just the kind only I notice and every one else looks at it and thinks "what a shed, just smile and nod, he seems to be pleased with what ever it is he has done to it"

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