Saturday, 21 December 2019

Change of work shop

Today was the big bay, the day we had to move the mini to a different work shop. So it was get up early to finish grouping up supplies, bonnet and boot to load into my car and then squeeze the mini out of the garage ready to be collected. When the mini went into the garage I was not convinced it would go through the door so I re jigged the complete end of the wooden garage so I could just remove it with out the roof falling in, my neighbor was addiment it would fit and we did measure it to find he was actually right. When I say right we had 1cm either side of the arches getting it out, so correct but wow that was a bit twitchy.

After a bit of a faf moving things at my work so I would have enough space for all operations the mini was pushed in to it's new temporary home and a final inspection was made. I did see it coming that there would be just a little more to fill as I had a bit more space around it to have a good look. That was all done today and have completed most of the flatting back of the primer, then it will  be a big cleaning mission and onto a big masking up mission. Then we should be finally ready to lay own some paint. Exciting times.
May have to chop the garage doors though so it can be pushed back in with a bit more leeway, but all is good.

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