Tuesday, 10 May 2016

onto bight size work, I miss the garage

With a bad weather forcast last night I got the bonnet out to give it a good beating, as it didn't really matter if it got wet. Worked it for a good 40 min and got quite a bit of the dent out, but although it is not massive it must have been quite a good wack to get it that shape. After a while I stood back to look at the dent and the bonnet as a whole. I guess that the dent will take at least 40 min again to get it close and with the 2 sharp edges that creat the very front edge and then the retun undernieth I started to ponder how crisp the finished item is going to be. So I dug out the spare bonnet (as you do), no I had not pounced on that one as it looks like it has never had a coat of paint on it or even been used. So its shape is A1 but it has gone past golden brown to very dark mud brown with rust, the strengthening ribs undernieth are still attached and the catch mount is not bent unlike bonnet 1. With this in mind and the fact I had decided a long time ago to just get the bonnet beed blasted as I was going to chip the paint getting the dent out of bonnet 1 and there was the start of rust patches, it didn't take long to decide to change which bonnet to use. Just have to strip all the bolt on bits off bonnet 1 to put on bonnet 2.

The catch on the left does not look to bad, but it is a good 20-30 degrees off of the 90 it should be. I will take a pic of the finished beating and add it in a few days, it did rain so quickly packed up before I could take a pic.

Today with the weather being considerably better than forcast I peeled back the cover to do a bit of air bubble filling and sanding, oh yes and I had spotted a propper rough finish on one of the arches (massive sigh, as if I havn't spent enough time on the arches).

So as you can hopefully see I rolled up the sleeves and got stuck in, got the thickness of the vertical flat much more even in the centre of the arch but it still hurt a bit to be blobbing a load of filler on then getting the 80 grit paper out on it again. Still not convinced the curve is any better for it though, but there is a little bit more to finish it off.
Managed to find a load of pin prick holes to fill and sanded the passenger panel back nice and quick, the filler on the roof though is prooving bloody slow work as the primer wich is stopping any rust take hold again (big plus) is clogging the paper and leaving slight ridges when I sand the filler back. I can see that part really getting on my t#ts, getting grumpy and giving up to then be straight back out there again as I know the roof is such a big part of the percieved quality finish we all wont.
Still really unsure how good a level I'm going to reach with this body work malarky, on a finished product I have done QC for years with laquered furniture and now granite composite work tops, I can spot a fault in them so quick and others take ages to find them. I have almost no doubt I will be aware of more faults than I would like when it's finished but I just hope it will be good enough to live with. Time will tell.

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