Sunday, 8 May 2016

First stint on the drive way

With such good weather today, I had to find some time for the mini. So after a 2 week pause to re charge from the monster pace, I had been a little hesitant to crack on with sanding the roof that I had filled but pulled off to do suspension. This might have only been about having to take both car covers off just to do some work, but a longer prep and tidy up is less time working and I have found short stints counter productive due to loosing track of the big picture whilst focusing on a small patch.
With a good 3 hours on the cards I managed to get round the roof sanding filler in air bubble holes and a couple of build up patches. Still a bit close to metal in a few places so had to make sure I had time to spray over them before packing up with rubbish weather on the cards for the next couple of days. Then went round the roof and passenger side pillars filling air bubbles and a few tiny pits around the pillar edges to get them a bit sharper, even managed to sand that lot before a quick etch prime.
Doesn't sound that much but a productive stint and the first one on the drive way (with even further to walk to get supplies), a few more stints like that and the body work should be ready for wet and dry, well and the front end to do but thats got loads of holes for grills and lights so .... well there is light at the end of the tunnel. Must panel beat the bonnet and get that to the sand blasters, sigh.

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