Saturday, 13 March 2021

A little inside

 Finally found a couple of hours to spend in the garage. It would have been more but money was waved at me,so I spent the morning working on some one else's car.

I did manage to find the internal light wires and mounting holes that where hiding behind the roof liner. It took a lot of gentle stretching of the liner and carful poking through it with a bradel, to not leave any damage that would be seen.

I had managed to wire up connections for the later light version, but a quick check with a great group on face book put me straight. 

Whilst changing the connections I found the head light switch which had gone awall. So it only seemed right to move onto the switch panel. After a little double checking I fitted a few connections to blank wires and added illumination wiring for the headlight switc, all was going good. I got to the last switch and noticed it was wrapped in black tape.... Holding the 2 halves together. Oh well, avoided buying a head light switch but now need a hazard switch. Well it was good to be finishing some of the important interior.

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