Sunday, 13 September 2020

Slowly does it

 As you may guess, it's been slow going. Been really busy with other projects and life, leaving little time for marmite. 

After a few subtle improvements to the tank bracket and its location. The tank is fixed in with fuel and vent pipes fitted, both boot straps are fitted, rubber seal cut to length and fitted, also the hinges are fitted to the car. 

Today I did get a spare bootlid to rob the latch, handle and all the bolts. Another stint of spit and polish/paint on those done

Technically we should be good to go and able to fit the boot lid once I have changed the boot lock barrel. That will pretty much be the back half of the car finished!

A while back the paint hanging tree (bird feeder) was in use while I colour coded the door hinges, getting the doors a bit closer to the assembly.

Other things getting closer. Removed the rear light lense to swop the inductor bulbs for the orange hasn't flaked off these bulbs. Saved the old ones by putting the in the front indicators as the have orange lenses 😉

Also bought some side light bulbs, a quick bulb stint soon and all the lenses can go on for the last time. By the way the front indicators/side light are fitted and the headlights. All wired up as well.

Finished the re furb on the windscreen wipers, with a bit of a fight there are installed and plugged in. 

I started to complete the screen washers but the pipes are past their best and the bottle needed a clean. It has come up nice though so worth it. Will add a picture in the next couple of days.

Slow but progress is being made and more close to done, just need to get over  unabtainable brackets to mount the switch panel then I can move to the front end.

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