Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Going deep

As I plod on down the road of restoration I caught my self yet again pondering the forth coming jobs, the ideal order and what is involved and if I need other peoples tools or equipment (timing is so important when I borrow tools, ask to early and they want it back before I use it, to late asking costs me more time).
So I have yet again watched the clock roll past 2am and as productive as I have been clearing other chores the slowing happens and the thoughts strayed. With the last few days/week I have been checking tolerances and compatibility of parts from a cluster of different variant parts available and what I need, quite often variants have a knock on effect of space.
On this tack of many precise layers, probably for the first time I fully grasp the sheer enormity of making a car from the ground up. The vast aray of parts, different fabricating and machining, assembly, ability/space to service long term. Let alone designing reliability and good drive ability. The massive amount of maths, the staggeringly specialised level of skill and machinery to conceive and create the parts required. Every nut,bolt, screw, clip, trim, engine & electric component, body panels.
Yes, I have been a bit daunted but this mass jigsaw puzzle, but just as much in oar with how we have combined enough knowledge to create a car.
No real progress with the car, but with a few options for the next stages I am prepping bits to make sure there is no real delays. Apart from cleaning the front seats :)

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