Wednesday, 22 February 2017

New parts

Having squeezed in at least a hour a day this last week, we are still moving forward. Quite close on finishing the front with just a couple of smalll spots to fill and the (subtle) re shaping of the outer bottom vents (tapered the vertical outer edge left & rightside) and finally made a decision/start on blending the leading wheel arch edge into the front valence.

With an added tickling of a few high spots at the back of a front wing and a little attention on the lip for the bonnet on the wings. I'm not feeling to bad about progress and loving the over shap line down the wing, it will be smoothed out a bit more later. I might have gone past a "dead line" for finishing the body work, well it's 13th-27th Feb. If I'm buying primer this weekend because I feel I will need it soon, that will be good. It just takes as long as it takes, a few more minutes now is easier than re working and re spraying a whole panel

New parts are still be aquired, a complete brake servo and pedal to swop on my pedal box. Which is all cleaned up and re sprayed, lovely job done me thinks.

More wheels ! Yep picked up some 6" widem dished mini lights, well 3, so I need to find another one at some point. Crappy photo but I keep forgetting when its light and I really need to take a moment and pop one on to see if we can get the arches a bit more filled up. If they don't and we have to go for the full deep dish ally I will prob get the fourth then sand blast them and re powder coat them to fund the next set of wheels, and yes I'll powder coat them, can't wait till the oven is set up and have a play. Sand blasting is brilliant to revive old parts, but there are some brilliant powder paints out there. The engine bay could be getting blinged with painted brackets and covers.
Here is the current set of wheels on the left (5 x 12 no off set) and the new wheel on the right (6 x 12 un known off set but has 1" rim before the wheel centre).

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