Sunday, 10 April 2016

up date 3.2

Since the last post ... ? Umm, door and window openings (driver side) primed. Drivers wing/wheel arch sanded, then sanded, filled, sanded, filled ..... finished it today !
Stumbled accross a small problem during another moment of frustration with the arches, the leadeing edge from the wing had ripples. As much as this is the previous owners doing I should have really spotted it earlier. Then I re checked the other arches, Boll#cks, not to such a large amount but more than enough to really show after painting. So dug in and did a evening stint of hard sanding to get that one back on track. Worth it though as it did sort out sanding the ripples away on the outer edge of "that" front arch.

The real nice step forward this afternoon was plugging in my air line to a different neighbours garage to sand back the wing/bonnet rain channel. Result 40 min and done, well had to be really. Even though the sander is only rated at a small 6 CFM it worked that compressor bloody hard, to the point that I had a knock to say it had not stopped and was getting a bit too hot. So really big thank you to him, PS hope I havn't killed your compressor.
So with a bonkers amount of hours behind me sanding arches, the final stage of filling the passenger front arch is under way. Tonight I was able to grind back passenger front wing, parts of the engine cross member, front windscreen lip/roof edge/scuttle panel (not sure if thats the right name, panel with windy wipers through it). 
So with lots of sanding back to bare metal and a good coat of rust inhibitor (to give me a few days to cover it up propperly) should be on for a load more filling :)
With feeling the strain a bit at the mo (3 grr days on one arch and back to work next week) it has been decided to crack out the big guns to really make sure things keep moving forward. So an old mate has had the call to arms/arm up with sand paper. In fact so old, he may be suffering deja vu, he might have been doing exactly that on my last mini "mumble" years ago ! Thanks Jim. Although that means I have to be thinking about more than just the panel I'm working on, so we don't end up spooning whilest sanding! A close friend but not that close.
No pictures today, so they are going to jump forward a little bit next time.

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